Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Monday

I was a little unhappy to have missed the things I wanted to do on Easter, but Lenka came into the kitchen Monday morning to ask if I wanted to color eggs. "An Easter do-over?" I asked. She reminded me that Czechs celebrate on Easter Monday. I began to cheer up a little, and after I realized I hadn't missed my chance to get my Easter beatings, I cheered up a lot. So, here is the photo of the eggs that Lenka showed me how to color and decorate with onion skins and leaves, and to shine with a piece of bacon. And after dinner, we got our Easter beatings with the pomlasky.

For all of you non-Czechs, pomlaksy are braided switches which the Czech menfolk use to beat their women on Easter Monday. Don't gasp. It makes them healthy and beautiful all year (and apparently, excellent cooks).


Anonymous Me said...

Would you email me the instructions for those eggs? They're gorgeous!

Janet said...

Sure. I would be happy to. I need your email address.