Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cruise: Sea Legs and Seasickness

When I say that we were wandering around the ship, the word that I should use is "staggering," for we hadn't yet gotten our sea legs. I was a bit embarrassed about weaving about like Johnny Depp doing Jack Sparrow, looking like I had already run up a tremendous bar tab, until I started watching a group of women who seemed quite steady on their pins (i.e. who were not wobbling), and heard them discussing how long they thought it would be before they got their sea legs. Then I realised that as long we were all wobbling, we all appeared to each other to be steady. Go figure. It's a bit like being too drunk to see how foolish you sound and act, but in reverse. It's all kind of fun, really, until the seas get rough and the boat begins to really rock.
Sea sickness. Okay, all of you men, take heed: pregnancy morning sickness feels exactly like very severe seasickness. And, girlfriends, the next time you plan to get pregnant, take your man on a cruise. In rough seas. To improve his ability to empathise. To teach him proper appreciation of the power of woman as procreative being. Just don't stand too close to him when you do. For the rest of you: seasickness also feels a lot like that feeling you get when you have had so much to drink that the room begins to spin and roll. It's bad enough that even a sunset over Miami doesn't please.

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