Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Evolution, Trilobite Writers, and Jell-O

I found this list in Bram's backpack a few weeks ago and came across it again on my desk last week. Yes, my desk hadn't been cleaned off in ages--still hasn't. It's a pretty common thing for American school children to make a list of what they are thankful at Thanksgiving. Here's Bram's list of ten things for which he is most thankful
1. Family
2. Anything related to Jurassic Park (except knock-offs)
3. Friends
4. A brain
5. Jell-O
6. Holidays
7. Good books
8. Prehistoric life books
9. Evolution
10. Universe
(This list is NOT put in order of which I like better)

What's not to love about a kid whose grateful for Jell-o and evolution? At the moment, though, he isn't happy about anything because his English assignment isn't going well. The assignment was to write a children's book, but he has written and is illustrating something somewhere between a comic book and a graphic short story about a writer who's a trilobite. It's going to be good when he's done, but he's upset because his drawings today aren't his best.

1 comment:

Anonymous Me said...

That's a great list. I'm thankful for jello and evolution, too - now that I think about it. See if he will let you post a page or two from his book - I'd love to see it!