Monday, June 18, 2007

Birthday / Father's Day Weekend

Saturday was Thomas's birthday, and because Bram liked being awakened by singing on his birthday, Bram and I woke Thomas by singing 'Happy Birthday' to him. The truth is that Thomas woke up when Bram and I did and had to be cajoled back into bed for a later awakening with our singing. After a breakfast of French toast with a candle on it, and a trip to the library, we had what we like to call "Video Fest". We watched "The Thief Lord" and Jurassic Park","Take the Lead," "Hitcher," "Deja Vu" at home, then "Shrek 3" at the theater. (only Shrek and Deja Vu were tolerable) Thomas opened his presents . And somewhere in here we had meals, but we can't any of us remember where or what-LOL.

On Father's Day, we wasted no time with singing, but served Thomas his coffee, and later in the afternoon, whisked him off to restaurant/family fun place, Mr Gatti's, where, in the presense of more than 70 signs--click here to test your English instructing us what to do and not to do, we ate pizza, pasta and salad between our trips to the gameroom, where Thomas got just what he asked for for his Father's Day: watching me and Bram 'hunt, shoot and kill' all manner of sea creatures and dinosaurs. Total haul for the weekend for the Birthday Boy: 1 t-shirt, custom painted by Bram, 2 design markups (1 each by Bram and me) for the cover of his next book, a 2G flash drive, pens, papers, and clipboard decorated by Bram, 8 cards (5 pop-up cards made by me and Bram), 8 books, money, and a very nice drawing of a battleship by Bram. He got books and money from his mother and brother, and money from his in-laws. I say he had quite a nice weekend, wouldn't you?

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